Harris T. Politis | Attorney at Law


+30 6948 784838 chpolitis@gmail.com
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Impact Factor

In 1995 he published the book "AIDS. Fundamental Principles for the Protection of Human Rights and Individual Freedoms ", Hellenic CDC - Ministry of Health and Welfare (today Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity), 1995. In 1996 translated into English" AIDS. Fundamental Principles for the Protection of Human Rights and Civil Liberties. Hellenic Center for the Control of Infectious Diseases. AIDS, Athens, Ministry of Health, 1996. 45 p. »

The acceptance was worldwide.

S. Fluss, head of the WHO's Human Rights Organization, described it as an "impressive release" and H. Scikluna, head of the Council of Europe's Human Rights Program, described it as a "Human Rights Paper".  Recommended by the WHO online library as one of the 22 books on HIV / AIDS and Human Rights. Proposed by S. Fluss as an important human rights law up to 1997 and cited by UNESCO, European Union, etc.

S. S. Fluss, Programme Manager for Human Rights, Office of the Executive Administrator for Health Policy in Development, A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY (PARTIALLY ANNOTATED) ON HEALTH ASPECTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS (1984-1997). www.csu.edu.au/learning/eubios/HRBiblio.html

United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, p. 69. E/C.12/1989/L/3/Rev.3 October 3, 2000,$FILE/G0044730.pdf

Nations Unies, Conseil Economique et Social, Comite des droits economiques, sociaux et culturels, Apllication du pacte international relative aux drοits economiques, sociaux et culturels, E/C.12/1989/L.3/Rev.3, Octobre 3, 2000, p.$FILE/G0044731.doc Nationales Unidas, Convencion sobre la eliminacion de todas las formas de discriminacion conta la mujer, 15 de Julio de 2005.

UNESCO, Symonides, Janusz and Volodin, Vladimir Access to Human Rights Documentation. Documentation, Bibliographies and Data Bases on Human Rights, 3rd ed., 1997, Dedicated
to the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948-1998, p. 121. unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001114/111427eo.pdf

Jean-Yves Carlier, in assosiation with Graciela Schiffino, ed. by Dr Lieve Fransen, The free movement of persons living with HIV/AIDS, European Communities 1999, s. 316/ La libre circulation des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida, p. 305].

National School of Public Health, AIDS Observatory & Sexuality, Bibliography, http://www.nsph.gr/sociology/Aids/aidsJM.html.


HELLENIC CENTER FOR THE CONTROL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. AIDS: Fundamental Principles for the Protection of Human Rights and Civil Liberties. Ministry of Health, Athens, 1996. 45 pp. ISBN 960-85875-2-2.