Harris T. Politis | Attorney at Law


+30 6936 825903 chpolitis@gmail.com
Greek English

International Representation

Contribution from Greece (Hellenic CDC -Ministry of Health) to "ECDC Technical Report. A comprehensive approach to HIV/STI prevention in the context of sexual health in the EU/EEA", Stockholm, Dec. 2013 (Legislative Aspects).

Contribution from Greece (Hellenic CDC -Ministry of Health) to  "ECDC SPECIAL REPORT. Background and methods. Monitoring implementation of the Dublin Declaration on Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia: 2012 progress report", Stockholm, May 2013.

Representative of Greece in the Standing Committee of European Physicians (Comité Permanent des Médecins Européens), with Panhellenic Medical Assosiation (PIS) (1995-2009).

Representative of Greece at UEMS with Panhellenic Medical Assosiation PIS (2009).

Representative of Greece in CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL EDU TRAVAIL, 98eSESSION, INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION, (Hellenic CDC -Ministry of Health), Geneva June 3-19, 2009.

Representative of Greece in "AIDS-ACTION EUROPE, Legislative and Judicial Systems in Relation to HIV and AIDS, Results of a European Survey, Pre-seminar Report, National AIDS Trust", (Hellenic CDC -Ministry of Health), March, 2007.

Representative of Greece in PRIVILEGED (EC FP6 Project) "Determining the Ethical and Legal Interests in Privacy and Data Protection for Research Involving the Use of Genetic Databases and Bio-banks (2008-2009).

Representative of Greece (Hellenic CDC -Ministry of Health) in historic Riga Statement on HIV/AIDS in The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (http://data.unaids.org/topics/human-rights/hr_refgroup2_03_en.pdf).